12. October 2018
Work , Humor
A friend of mine recently sent me the following video from Weird Al Yankovic, who is one of my favorite geek heroes.
As someone who has worked in the business world for the past few decades, I have to admit: the corporate-speak in that video is much pretty spot-on for some division-level meetings that I've attended.

That being said, Weird Al's song reminds me of my days in a cross-site technical support team that I helped create at Microsoft, which was supposed to be an amalgamation of two commonly-used technical support roles of beta engineers and escalation engineers. However, the role of that team quickly spiraled out of control into something that was totally unrecognizable from what I had proposed. Our team was renamed by a corporate president as "Delta Force," and despite the fact that everyone hated the name, we were stuck with it - because it came from a corporate president.
Getting back to the original point, I knew this team was screwed when Microsoft flew all of the team members to Redmond for a week when we were first starting out. The goals for the week were supposed to be creating the hierarchy and infrastructure that were required to organize and manage a large cross-site team, but we were bogged down for the first 1.5 days creating - seriously - our Mission Statement. It didn't matter how many times I pointed out that we could be using our time and Microsoft's resources considerably more efficiently if we tabled that discussion; I kept getting shot down by management, who continuously emphasized just how important a Mission Statement really is.
At some point during that week I marched into my new boss's office and told him (in no uncertain terms) that I wanted off that team as soon as possible. (Although he begged me to stay, and I did - for 1.5 years. And I hated almost every minute of it.)
With that in mind, the video from Weird Al was a fun [sic] reminder of that time.
2. June 2018
History , Humor
I just read this article, Pompeii victim crushed by boulder while fleeing eruption, which details a recent archeological discovery in Italy. The unfortunate soul in these photos from that article has to be one of the least-lucky people to have ever walked the face of the planet:

This doomed individual survived the initial eruption of Mount Vesuvius near Pompeii, only to have his head crushed by a rock during the subsequent eruption.
Sometimes, it's just not your day...
When you somehow manage to bump the camera button on your phone in its waterproof case during a desert ride and it creates an experimental bokeh-art film in your honor...
Just in time for April Fool's Day, here are some new HTML tags for useless text.
Defines Unnecessary Text
Extended attributes are:
Attribute | Example |
RHETORIC | <BLAH RHETORIC="Political" ALIGN="Liberal"> This could be used for: "So, my fellow Americans, I feel that this is a strong issue about which I was asked that should not go unnoticed by this administration because it impacts all of us where we live as people of this great land that....." |
ACCENT | <BLAH ACCENT="Southern"> This could be used for: "Yawl jus' don' figur dat I be fin tuh be slaypin muh ferty wanks afore I goes huntin' latah." |
Defines Disparaging Text
Extended attributes are:
Attribute | Example |
RHETORIC | <BLAH RHETORIC="Gossip"> This could be "Gossip," "Slander," "Hearsay," "Rumor," etc. Used for statements like: "Did you hear what Marc said to Luis? OHHH! You've gotta hear this...!" |
1. April 2018
Humor , Work
A friend of mine posted the following image to social media... and as someone who has had to attend more than a few soul-crushing phone conferences, I thought it was hilarious.

That being said, I thought this play set was missing a few things that would add to its realism.
For example, why doesn't it come with a whiteboard and four dried-out markers?
In addition, the conference phone should come with dozens of lifelike features, such as Dropped Calls, Random Static, Open Microphone Keyboard Typing, Private Background Conversations, and 15 minutes of 'Can You Hear Me?' dialog. This would turn your kids' 5-minute meeting into hours of troubleshooting entertainment - every time!
30. March 2018
Family , Humor
A few years ago I wrote a blog titled "Adventures with the Tooth Werewolf", where I wrote about how I rose my children with a belief in the Tooth Werewolf instead of the Tooth Fairy. In that same blog I also briefly mentioned that I had come up with the Easter Vampire instead of the Easter Bunny. (I'll bet you wish your parents had been this cool, right?)
That being said, one of my daughters sent me the following video, which she appropriately-labeled, "The Easter Vampire?"

Did you ever notice how many atheists are actually the fiercest prayer warriors?
Every time they declare, "GD this!" or "GD that!," they are - in fact - calling on a God whom they claim does not exist to intervene on their behalf.
The tragic part about this fact is that in so doing they are praying more times per day than most Christians.
14. March 2018
Humor , Music
In honor of "Pi Day" (3/14), here are the first 256 digits of Pi set to music... (which was achieved by taking the numbers in Pi and overlaying them on a C major scale).
At first I thought about overlaying the digits on a pentatonic scale to create a little more harmony, but it turns out that it wasn't necessary. (Of course, the bass line and drum parts add a lot, too.)
I also thought about doing something with a pentatonic scale, but as I said earlier it didn't appear to need it. I also thought using about some sort of timing extraction from the numbers in Pi instead of using 8th notes, but most of my experiments started to sound far too random and chaotic.
FWIW - I also did a version in 7/8 time, just 'cause... you know... RUSH.
20. February 2018
Humor , Music
Here is my truthful rendition of what piano players think they sound like when they attempt to talk while playing the piano, versus what they actually sound like to everyone else around them. 
Note that the preceding video is by-product of the author's sarcastic nature and created for entertainment purposes only. Time signatures, tempos, keys, chords and embellishments are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a facetious manner. Any resemblance to pianists, living, dead, or undead, or actual music is purely coincidental.

2. January 2018
Humor , Ponderings
Is it just me, or is watching the wind patterns on https://earth.nullschool.net/ oddly mesmerizing?