24. December 2018
Christmas , Humor
In ancient days of yore, constable Ioan McClane (of the clan McClane) routed the Visigoth Hans von Gruber from the prodigious citadel of Nakatomi...

As we rapidly approach the Christmas season, we are also reaching the end of my semester in Graduate School. With that in mind, I thought it apropos to post a version of the "12 Days of Christmas" for my fellow students who are bogged down with writing academic papers:
12 Pages Of Citations
11 Primary Sources
10 Cups Of Coffee
9 Hours Of Proofreading
8 Advising Hours
7 Rhetorical Questions
6 Quotation Blocks
5 Split-Infinitives
4 Supporting Arguments
3 Complete Rewrites
2 Illustrations
And A Thesis Statement In My Opening Paragraph

UPDATE: This post is one of several that I had written that I later discovered had never been set to "public."
My wife was shopping for Guardians of the Galaxy toys to donate to charity, and the following conversation took place:
Kathleen: | So, I was going to buy Star Lord, Groot, and Ranger. |
Me: | Ranger? |
Kathleen: | Yeah, you know - the squirrel. |
Me: | You mean Rocket? The raccoon? |
Kathleen: | Yeah, that's the one. |
Me: | o_O |